At IntraSpectrum Counseling, we know that affirming psychotherapy is a powerful tool that can provide symptom relief, and help people discover their growth edges and form healthier relationships with themselves and others. We also know the importance of talking openly about mental health issues in as many forums as possible – including here on our website. Inclusive, respectful and meaningful conversations can increase awareness; reduce stigma and misinformation; and encourage those who are struggling to seek help.

This glossary was created to add to the dialogue by sharing simple, concise definitions on many terms commonly used in mental health. Whether you’re looking to help guide mental health decisions for yourself; are seeking support for a loved one, friend or family member; or are just interested in gaining more understanding on the topic, we hope you find it helpful. Click the links below to browse terms & definitions alphabetically.

Mental Health Glossary "A" Terms

Acceptance – the act of consenting to receive or undertake something that is offered. In the context of therapy, it relates to staying focused on the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. It’s important to note that accepting is not the same as “liking” or “enjoying” but simply acknowledging its existence.

Acute – refers to symptoms or conditions that come on quickly, last only for a short time, are typically intense and have a high degree of impact on a person.

Addiction – continuing to use a substance (e.g. alcohol, prescription medication or street drug) for nonmedical purposes despite them having a negative impact on many areas of a person’s functioning in life. Addictive behavior is characterized by: abuse of the substance, seeking out / daily focus on the substance; craving for the substance. People who are addicted will often experience withdrawal (physical response to quickly stopping a chemical that affects the brain) when they stop using a substance.

Affect – the emotional experience that someone feels inside of themselves, which can also be recognized by others. For example: someone else picking up on the fact that you are feeling sad, because you look and / or are acting sad.

Affirming – the emotional strengthening of another person through being receptive and open to the goodness and value of that person. In the context of psychotherapy, it is an approach that embraces a positive view of LGBTQ+ identities and relationships, and addresses the negative influences and impact of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism on the lives of LGBTQ+ clients.

Anger – a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

Anhedonia – a feeling of lack of pleasure, which is sometimes a symptom of those who struggle with depression. People experiencing anhedonia don’t derive the usual pleasure when doing things that normally makes them feel good (e.g. spending time with friends, enjoying a favorite hobby or recreational activity). Anhedonia due to depression will typically resolve once the depression has been successfully treated.

Anxiety – a feeling of worry, nervousness or apprehension, typically about an anticipated event or something with an uncertain outcome. Anxious thoughts typically manifest in unpleasant sensations including worry, ruminations, “butterflies”, twitchiness, restlessness, muscle tension, headaches, dry mouth, faster / more difficult breathing, more rapid heartbeat. Anxiety is normal and experienced by everyone but can become a problem when it interferes with your normal routine or parts of life such as work, recreation, friends or family.

Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) – self-defeating language or thoughts that can limit a person’s ability to feel motivated or productive. ANTs can compel people to interpret difficult or triggering situations in unbalanced ways, without considering the actual / objective evidence.

Avoidance – the act of keeping away from or not doing something, the aim of which is “escaping” or decreasing feelings of anxiety.

Avolition – having little to no motivation or drive to do things. Examples can include not getting dressed, maintaining good hygiene, or wanting to go out / spend time with friends and loved ones.

Mental Health Glossary "B" Terms

Behavior Chain Analysis – a therapeutic tool that helps people identify the sequence of events that led up to a behavior they want to change, as well as the consequences of the behavior that may be maintaining it or reinforcing it in the first place.

Body Image – a person’s subjective picture / mental image of their own body; how they perceive, think and feel about their own body.

Body Neutrality – the act of taking a neutral stance (both physically and emotionally) toward your own body. This involves not supporting the hatred towards your body’s “flaws” or “limitations”, nor investing your time and energy in loving it either. It is the concept of simply being at peace with your body.

Body Positivity – the assertion that everyone deserves a positive body image, regardless of how a society views the “ideal” appearance. It involves challenging how society views people based upon their physical size and shape, and recognizing that judgments are often made based on race, gender, sexuality, and disability.

Boundaries – limits that a person sets to protect themselves in relationships or during an activity. Boundaries are restrictions / rules you place for yourself to keep yourself from harm (or keep you from harming others. Examples include a person setting a boundary to not discuss their identity with unsupportive family members, or to meet up with friends at restaurants vs. at bars / taverns. Therapists’ boundaries would typically include that discussions of a personal nature, touching, gift-giving are off-limits. Respecting boundaries is an essential aspect of personal, work and therapeutic relationships.

Mental Health Glossary "C" Terms

Catharsis – an emotional moment of releasing pent-up negative emotions (such as grief or anger) that leads to positive change in a person’s life. The process of, for example, venting with a trusted friend, hitting a punching bag, going for a long run, having a cry / scream-session, can relieve the adverse psychological impact of the negative emotions.

Chronic – symptoms or conditions that are persistent, get worse over time, and that can last for years. Chronic symptoms often do not have a cure.

Circadian Rhythm – the body’s biological clock, with a cycle of about 24 hours. It helps control a person’s sleep and wake cycles, body temperature and hormone variations.

Claim – an invoice that you or your therapist forwards to your insurance company, seeking reimbursement for session(s) paid / services rendered.

Clinic – a healthcare facility where various health professionals work directly with patients, and that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, sometimes in emergency situations. A clinic can also refer to a brief or instructional program or session.

Clinical – relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients, as opposed to theoretical or laboratory studies; an activity that takes place between a health provider and a patient / client (for example: diagnosis, treatments, etc.)

Clinical Psychologist – a doctorate-level mental health professional trained in the diagnosis and treatment of mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders. Clinical psychologists work in various settings including health and mental health clinics, research, academic settings, group practices, and independent practices. They are also consultants to medical, legal, social work, and community-relations professionals.

Clinical Social Worker – clinical social work is a specialty practice area of social work that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, and emotional and other behavioral disturbances. The social workers who provide these services work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, private & group psychotherapy practices, community mental health centers, primary care practices and agencies, and are required to be licensed or certified at the clinical level in the state where they operate.

Co-Dependency – describing a relationship or psychological condition in which one person, typically with low self-esteem and a strong desire for approval, has an unhealthy attachment to another person, who is often controlling or manipulative (such as someone with an illness or addiction).

Co-Insurance – a type of insurance plan where the client pays a percentage share of the session fee, after their deductible is met.

Co-Pay – the fee, set by your in-network insurance company, that you pay for every therapy session once your deductible is met.

Cognition – the mental processes associated with thinking, learning, planning, memory etc.

Cognitive Distortion – exaggerated or irrational thought patterns or filters that impact how people see themselves and others, and cause them to perceive reality inaccurately.

Cognitive Restructuring – therapeutic techniques that help people identify ineffective patterns in thinking, and change them to be more effective.

Comorbidity -refers to more than one illness, disease, or disorder occurring simultaneously in the same individual.

Compulsions – repetitive behaviors or mental activities that a person engages in to reduce obsessive thoughts, feelings of distress or anxiety, or to prevent a future perceived event that they consider stressful. Examples of compulsions can include tapping, washing / cleaning, counting, checking, etc. Engaging in mild and occasional compulsions is common and they can provide temporary relief, but not any actual gratification. More severe and persistent compulsions can be a symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Consent – to give approval or permission to someone, to do something. For example, a patient must give consent to receive treatment or participate in a research study.

Coping Skills / Mechanisms – psychological strategies or adaptations people use to deal with and decrease anxiety and unpleasant emotions, thoughts or behaviors during difficult situations. Getting rid of harmful (sometimes called maladaptive) coping mechanisms is often the focus of psychological interventions.

Core Beliefs – strong beliefs a person holds consistently over time and which inform their worldview and self-perception. Core beliefs can be positive (“I am deserving of love”, “people are essentially good”), neutral, or even negative (“the world is a dangerous place, “I am incompetent”). A person’s core beliefs act as “rules” for managing relationships and daily life. In a mental health context, negative core beliefs can cause distress and have a major impact on thought patterns, the interpretation of events, and decision-making.

Counselor – a person trained to give guidance on psychological, personal or social issues.

Crisis – a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; an unstable time or state of affairs. A crisis can last a few hours, for others / in other situations it can last for days or even weeks.

Crisis Appointment – an urgent & unplanned session between a therapist and a client in a high level of distress, to address a presenting problem that is life-threatening / complex and requires immediate attention. A crisis appointment typically includes an assessment / history of a crisis state; a mental status exam; psychotherapeutic intervention to minimize the potential for psychological trauma; and the mobilization of resources to defuse and restore safety.

Mental Health Glossary "D" Terms

Deductible – the sum total of medical costs you need to pay each year before your co-pay fee applies / insurance coverage begins.

Delusion – a personal idea or belief that a person maintains with firm conviction even though it contradicts reality; fixed false beliefs that something has occurred or will occur. Delusions are usually associated with psychosis, and can range from short-term and disconnected to highly organized and detailed. Examples include delusions of grandeur or persecution.

Depressant – any medication or drug that diminishes or slows down a person’s thinking and / or physical functioning. Examples include ethyl alcohol and some pain killers.

Depression – a mental health condition characterized by a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest, which interferes with the normal activities of daily life. Symptoms can range from relatively minor to severe. Generally, depression is not the result of a single event, but a mix of factors and events. Depression is commonly treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both.

Development – the physical, cognitive and psychological growth that occurs throughout a person’s life.

Diagnosis – (1) the description of a medical or mental disorder / illness, which identifies it. In the U.S. diagnoses are as determined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and / or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). (2) the process a trained health professional uses to determine a patient’s medical or mental disorder / illness, through the examination of its signs and symptoms. Diagnosis includes both identifying the nature of the disorder and distinguishing it from other possible conditions. Tools including health history, exam and the use of established assessment techniques / tests are used to help make a diagnosis. A diagnosis is not a label; it forms the basis for a course of treatment.

Disorder – an illness or abnormality in someone’s mental or physical health.

Distortion – the act of twisting or altering something out of its natural or original state. In the context of therapy, it refers to internal mental filters or biases that can increase our misery, fuel our anxiety, and make us feel bad about ourselves.

Distress – a state of extreme anxiety and significant mental / physical suffering (such as sadness, pain, fear, loss). Distress is a common reaction to feeling overwhelmed by difficult situations, losses, perceived threats, etc. It is part of normal life and not considered a mental disorder. Distress is not necessarily damaging, but in severe or long term cases it can create both pyschological and physical health risks.

Distress Tolerance – a person’s ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. It also involves being able to make it through an emotional incident without making it worse.

DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnostic manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The DSM describes and names mental disorders, and divides them into categories called diagnoses based on specific criteria (symptoms). It is used by trained mental health professionals in the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients. The full name of the current DSM (as of March, 2024) is the DSM-5-TR (or DSM-V-TR). The five (5 or V) refers to the Fifth edition; “TR” refers to Text Revision, which means the DSM-5-TR is an updated version with new text, references, and updates since the initial DSM-5 was published (in 2013).

Dual Diagnosis – The diagnosis of two separate disorders that occur at the same time in one individual. An example of this is depression and substance use disorder co-existing simultaneously in the same person.

Mental Health Glossary "E" Terms

Emotion Regulation – a term generally used to describe a person’s ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience / exert a sense of control over their own emotional state. It involves learning how to understand the function of your emotions, the urges that typically accompany each emotion, and whether to heed or oppose those urges.

Emotional Dysregulation – a mental health symptom that involves a person having trouble managing how they act or react to feelings/emotions. To those around them, their emotions and reactions seem out of proportion compared to what they’re reacting to.

Euphoria – a feeling of intense happiness or excitement and an increased sense of well-being.

Experiential Avoidance – a person’s unwillingness to remain in contact with private aversive experiences such as painful feelings, thoughts, and emotions. By avoiding these experiences, people distance themselves from aspects of life which are relevant to them, while also losing contact with the very circumstances in which change could (and should) occur. Consequently, distress increases and the person becomes trapped in a loop of avoidance, an unhelpful strategy which can affect functioning and normal activities of life.

Extraversion – a personality trait characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and / or talkativeness. Extroverts are typically very friendly and sociable, and draw their energy / “recharge” from what is happening outside of themselves vs. from being alone (which is known is introversion).

Mental Health Glossary "F" Terms

FSA (Flexible Spending Account) – a type of pre-tax savings account offered by some employers. FSA contributions are made via payroll deductions and can be used to pay for anticipated qualifying medical expenses. FSAs typically do not have eligibility requirements, but unused funds are forfeited at the end of each year. FSAs differ from HSAs (see below).

Functional Impairment – a state in which a person is not functioning as they normally would or not functioning well in one or more area of life (i.e. family, friends, intimate relationships, work, school, etc.).

Mental Health Glossary "G" Terms

Genetic Predisposition – the probability / increased likelihood that a specific physical or mental condition or disorder is due to genetic factors (those passed on from bio parents to their children). For example, some mental health disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder) are inherited genetically. Even though they affect a given / fixed percentage of the general population, they are present in larger percentages among biologically-related relatives.

Goals – in the context of psychotherapy, goals are what you and your therapist want to achieve from your therapy, in terms of a meaningful outcome. Creating therapy goals makes tracking progress easier for you and your therapist and will help give you a sense of direction.

Grandiosity – possessing an exaggerated and unsubstantiated sense of superiority and belief in your own importance, ideas or abilities. These feelings may be considered delusions of grandeur in extreme cases.

Grief – the deep emotional suffering commonly experienced by a person due to a significant loss, typically the death of a loved one. Grief is not always displayed publicly nor is it the same as bereavement and mourning (which do not always result in grief). Grief commonly causes distress, anxiety, confusion, obsession with the past, and apprehension about the future. Intense grief can cause disruption of the immune system, self-neglect, and thoughts of suicide. Grief is not a mental disorder.

Grounding – self-soothing techniques people can use to keep them in the present and help reorient themselves to reality when they’re dealing with stress, overwhelming feelings and / or intense anxiety, or just having a bad day.

Group Therapy – group psychotherapy is an effective form of therapy in which a certain number of people meet together for scheduled sessions under the guidance of professionally trained therapists, to help themselves and one another. There are many different approaches to group therapy, but they all share in common creating a safe, supportive, and cohesive space to address personal, relationship and societal issues.

Mental Health Glossary "H" Terms

Hallucination – false sensory disturbances of how your brain perceives the world. Hallucinations appear to be real to a person experiencing them, but they are actually created in the mind. The most common types of hallucinations are auditory (hearing things that aren’t there) and visual (seeing things that aren’t there); other types include false smells, tastes or touches. Hallucinations are usually a symptom of a psychotic mental health disorder (such as schizophrenia) but can also occur from the use of substances, neurological abnormalities, etc. Hallucinations differ from illusions, which are a misinterpretation of something that is actually happening.

Health – not just the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of physical, mental, social, and / or spiritual well-being.

Health Care Professionals – the trained individuals who help care for those who are sick, or who help people and communities stay well. Examples of health care professionals include psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, etc.

Health insurance – a signed contract with a health insurance company that requires the company to pay for some of your health care costs.

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) – a type of health insurance plan that typically limits coverage to providers who are in-network only. HMOs feature lower monthly premiums but less flexibility in out-of-network coverage. If you have this kind of plan, your options may be limited in-network, but it could be much more expensive to see an out-of-network therapist. You are also typically required to see a primary care physician for a referral to therapy before your insurance company will provide coverage.

Holistic – A type of care that focuses on the whole person, taking into account their physical and mental state and their social background, as opposed to simply treating the symptoms of an illness or disorder.

Hormone – chemicals produced in one part of the body and then carried to another part where they have an impact on how that part functions. Hormones are created by the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the reproductive glands, the hypothalamus and the stomach. Hormones are important for growth, development, mood, metabolism, sexual functioning, etc.

Hospitalization – staying in / being kept in a hospital or other in-patient facility as a patient, so that doctors and other healthcare professionals can determine a diagnosis and implement a treatment plan. Hospitalization for a mental disorder is usually required only in severe cases or when the person is in a crisis situation.

HSA (Health Savings Account) – a type of pre-tax savings account offered by some employers. HSA contributions are made through payroll deductions, and funds can be used to pay for anticipated qualifying medical expenses. HSAs feature eligibility requirements and allow you to carryover balances if you change jobs. HSAs can be a good option for those with high-deductible in-network plans or out-of-network plans that do not offer reimbursement. HSAs differ from FSAs (see above).

Hypomania – a state of elevated or irritable mood characterized by inflated self-esteem, a decreased need for sleep, increased speech & activity, racing thoughts, engagement in risky behaviors, and a tendency to be more easily distracted. It is usually a part of bipolar disorder and can be effectively treated with medication and psychotherapy.

Mental Health Glossary "I" Terms

IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) – a part-time mental health outpatient treatment program that provides support to individuals experiencing mental health or substance abuse issues. IOPs are treatment programs used to address addictions, depression, eating disorders, or other dependencies that do not require detoxification or round-the-clock supervision. Most IOPs offer 3-4 hours of therapy 3-5 days per week. Compare with PHPs (Partial Hospitalization Programs).

Illness – a disease or period of sickness that affects the body or mind. Having an illness can mean someone has one disease or multiple diseases.

In-Patient – for in-patient therapy, a person lives in the hospital or other treatment facility with other patients during their stay. In-patient therapy may be considered “full-time” because patients need to pause other life obligations (such as work or school) during the program.

In-Person Therapy – face-to-face scheduled psychotherapy appointments between a client and a therapist, typically in the therapist’s place of business. In-person therapy allows clients to bring their mental health needs and issues to a supportive and neutral space. The benefits of in-person therapy include access to non-verbal communication and a more intimate personal relationship.

Interpersonal – involving the verbal and non-verbal interactions & relationships between two or more individuals. Having interpersonal skills refers to peoples’ ability to get along with others; the learned behaviors and tactics we use to interact and engage with others effectively.

Interpersonal Effectiveness – refers to the interpersonal skills & tactics people use to interact with others. These skills are not innate, they are learned over time. Interpersonal effectiveness helps people maintain and attend to their relationships, balance their priorities versus their demands, and develop self-respect.

Intervention (Therapeutic) – therapeutic intervention can take several forms and applies in a variety of settings. In the context of psychology, the term refers to actions or practices that improve the psychological, social or emotional wellbeing of another person.

Introversion – a personality trait characterized by shyness, a fondness for being alone and a reserved, quiet nature. Introverts are typically withdrawn, skeptical, deliberate and prefer to work on their own. They draw their energy / “recharge” from being along vs. what is happening outside of themselves (which is known is extroversion). See also Extraversion.

Involuntary Admission – a legal procedure used to confine someone who has a serious mental illness to a mental hospital for care and treatment. Individuals who are involuntarily hospitalized are considered a danger to themselves or others; may not recognize their need for treatment or understand the severity of their illness; and may not otherwise be able to survive without this medical intervention. Involuntary admission is also known as Hospitalization.


Mental Health Glossary "K" Terms

Kink-Friendly / Kink-Positive Therapy – Kink-positive (or kink-aware) therapy is a form of counseling that respects and validates non-traditional expressions of sexuality, including BDSM practices, fetishes, role-play, and other alternative sexual interests. A kink-friendly therapist is non-judgemental, and respects sexual preferences that fall outside of sexual activities that traditional society considers “normal” or “acceptable”.

Mental Health Glossary "L" Terms

LCPC (Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor) – denotes licensed with a Master’s degree in counseling. This is a higher designation than an LPC, and is often required for supervisory / management positions. This license allows for the clinician to practice independently without supervision by another clinician.

LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) – additional state licensure designation (often required for supervisory / management positions) available after earning an MSW and corresponding state license (LSW). This license allows for the clinician to practice independently without supervision by another clinician.

LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) – denotes licensed with a Master’s degree in counseling.

LSW (Licensed Social Worker) – a trained MSW who has passed their examination(s) for licensure.

Mental Health Glossary "M" Terms

MA (Master of Arts) – a graduate degree focused in the humanities, social sciences or fine arts, required in order to apply for a counseling license or to a PsyD program.

MAAT (Master of Arts Art Therapy) – graduate level degree with an emphasis in Counseling.

MS (Master of Science) – a graduate degree focused on research or analysis, or for an opportunity to apply for a counseling license or a PhD program.

MSW (Master of Social Work) – a graduate level degree.

Mania – an experience of very high energy and excessive activity, elevated to the point where they may have difficulty controlling themselves or acting in an expected manner. Specific symptons can include inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a potential for painful or negative consequences, such as spending sprees or gambling. A manic phase often requires hospitalization for treatment. It can be effectively treated with medications plus other therapies.

Measurement-Based Care (MBC) – Describes the evidence-based practice of using routine assessments of the client’s perspective around symptoms, how they are able to go about their day/or not, and how treatment is progressing or not. MBC informs treatment planning and ensures clients’ voices are heard. Overall, MBC encourages data-informed, client-centered care.

Medical Model – The concept that mental and emotional problems are comparable to physical health problems problems in that they have detectable, specific, physiological causes (e.g., an abnormal gene or damaged cell) and can be cured/improved upon with treatment. Utilizing this concept allows mental/behavioral health providers to submit claims to medical insurance and as such, the providers must follow the same rules in submitting claims as physical health practitioners.

Medication – medicine or chemical compound prescribed by a licensed medical doctor or prescriber, used to treat or cure illness or disease.

Mental Disorder – (or mental illness) are conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, and / or behavior. They may be occasional or long-lasting (chronic).

Mental Health – more than just the absence of a mental or behavioral disorder, this terms refers to a state of emotional, behavioral, and social well-being. Mental health is measured by good behavioral adjustment, freedom from anxiety and disabling symptoms, the existence of healthy relationships, and the ability to cope with everyday life.

Mental Health Concern – anything that causes a person to believe their mental health may be suffering. It could be a symptom, a group of symptoms, or a diagnosable mental health condition.

Mental Health Professional – a licensed or certified mental health treatment provider. The terms includes a wide range of health care workers who help other people improve their mental health or treat mental disorders. Examples are psychiatrists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, mental health counselors, child and youth workers, etc. They have all received training in working with people who are living with a mental disorder.

Mental Health Screen – an evaluation of your mental health and well-being through scientifically validated assessment tools.

Mental Illness – refers to a range of disorders that affect mood, behavior, and thought processes. Mental illnesses are listed and defined in the DSM and the ICD. The terms mental illness and mental disorder are often used interchangeably.

Mindfulness – a type of meditation in which a person focuses on being intensely aware of what they are sensing and feeling in the moment. Mindfulness is a state of awareness of one’s internal surroundings that can be applied to various therapies. These types of therapy can help individuals connect to their thoughts and emotions in the present moment without interpretation, judgment or reaction, which can create healthier patterns and avoidance of destructive habits.

Mood – the on-going inner emotional feeling experienced by a person.

Mood Stabilizers – medicines used to help normalize mood. Mood stabilizers are sometimes used to manage symptoms of personality disorders, such as bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, as they reduce the symptoms of manic episodes.

Mental Health Glossary "N" Terms

Narcissistic – A quality or trait of a person who interprets and regards everything in relation to their own self and not to other people. It is associated with an unrealistic and highly-inflated sense of self.

Negative Symptoms – Are symptoms found in psychosis, often in Schizophrenia, that describe a lessening or absence of normal behaviors and functions related to motivation and interest, or to verbal / emotional expression. Examples include inertia (inability to get one’s self going), lack of energy, lack of interaction with friends and family, poverty of thought (significantly fewer thoughts), social withdrawal, and blunted affect (less emotionally responsive).

Neurodevelopment – How a person’s brain grows and changes over time.

Neurodivergent – A non-medical term to describe people whose brains process information differently from what is considered typical. This includes people with and a range of other neurodiverse conditions. These people may have autism, dyslexia, learning disabilities, attention deficit and anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette’s syndrome. Through a neurodiversity lens, such conditions simply reflect different ways of being that are all normal human experiences.

Neuroscience – Is the scientific study of the brain and the nervous system.

Neurosis – Is a non-clinical term describing a range of mental health issues that cause significant stress or distressing emotional symptoms (for example depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, hypochondria) but not a radical loss of touch with reality. Neurosis is not a stand-alone mental condition; in more recent history, the term has been used to refer to anxiety-related conditions.

Mental Health Glossary "O" Terms

Obsession – Repetitive, persistent & unwanted preoccupations that are intrusive or inappropriate. Obsessions can take the form of an idea, an image, or an urge (for example, preoccupations with contamination, desires to maintain things in a certain order, unrelenting doubts, aggressive impulses, and sexual imagery). Obsessions lead to marked increase in anxiety, distress, or discomfort which can impair a person’s ability to function. When they become severe, obsessions can be part of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Opioid – A class of drugs clinically used as pain relievers, anesthetics, cough suppressants, and antidiarrheals. Examples include oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), morphine, and Fentanyl. Opioids are typically prescribed for treating severe pain, typically advanced cancer pain. They are sometimes used recreationally, which can cause abuse and physical dependence, leading to possible serious physical and/or mental health concerns.

Out-of-Pocket – Your own money, dollars paid by you rather than by your health insurance company.

Out-Patient – Treatment that takes place in an office, hospital or other clinical setting / facility but that does not involve overnight stays.

Mental Health Glossary "P" Terms

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) – A postgraduate degree culminating in the creation, submission presentation and defense of a research dissertation.

PhD-L (Licensed Doctor of Philosophy) – Licensed PhD level therapist

PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) – A full-time mental health outpatient treatment program that provides support to individuals experiencing mental health or substance abuse issues. PHPs are a structured and intensive form of outpatient treatment program for those who need a higher level of care for a serious mental health issue. Most PHPs offer 5-6 hours of therapy 3-5 days per week. Compare with IOPs (Intensive Outpatient Programs).

PsyD (Doctor of Psychology) – A postgraduate degree that usually requires a dissertation or equivalent doctoral project. The focus of coursework is on the application of research in a clinical setting.

PsyD-L (Licensed Doctor of Psychology) – Licensed PsyD level therapist

PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) – A type of health insurance plan that may have higher monthly premiums, but offers more flexibility in out-of-network coverage. If you have this kind of plan, your costs to see in-network vs. out-of-network therapists may be comparable.

Panic Attack – An abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and during which a person experiences several/many uncomfortable physical sensations.Symptoms can include heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations, sweating, and / or dizziness. Panic attacks can occur in the context of anxiety or other mental disorders, or general medical conditions. Occasional panic attacks are normal.

Patient Advocate – A term describing a health care professional whose role is to assist a patient (or the family of a patient) with issues and / or complaints related to care or treatment that the patient is receiving from any agency or medical facility (hospital, clinic, psychiatric clinic, etc.) Patient Advocates can speak on behalf of the patient (or the family) and can be very helpful during times of stress or disagreement between the patient (or family) and health care professionals. Many hospitals and other in-patient facilities employ people who act as Patient Advocates.

Peer – A term to describe someone who is of the same age, the same social position, or shares the same living experience or abilities with other people in a given group.

Perception – The mental process of becoming aware of objects, relationships, and events by recognizing, observing and discriminating information from the five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste). These activities help people respond to situations appropriately.

Phobia – A term describing an extreme or irrational fear of a specific situation, object, or activity. People with phobias either avoid them or endure them with severe distress. Examples of common phobias include fears of heights, dogs, snakes, bodies of water, blood, flying, etc.

Positive Symptoms – Are symptoms found in psychosis, often in Schizophrenia that describe changes in behavior or thoughts, such as hallucinations, delusions, loose associations (unclear or disorganized connections between ideas or conversation topics), ambivalence (wanting to act one way, but acting in a way that is opposite to that), or quickly changing / unstable emotions.

Prognosis – The forecast (educated guess) given to a patient by a medical professional about the severity, duration, and outcome of a condition or disease, and how it will affect the person over time. A prognosis is based on previous evidence and scientific study, and can change over time. A prognosis is typically communicated to a patient before treatment, so they can make
knowledgeable choices regarding their options.

Pronouns – Linguistic tools (words) used to refer to someone in the third person (e.g. she, her, hers, he, him, his, they, them, theirs, ze, hir, hirs, etc.). A person’s preferred pronouns inform others how to best refer to and honor them. Pronouns commonly have a gendered association, however anyone of any gender can use any pronouns that they feel are right for them. While the majority of people may use ‘she / her’ or ‘he / him,’ the list is much more expansive and it’s not appropriate to make a judgment based on binary standards or a person’s appearance. Never assume someone else’s pronouns but it’s always acceptable to share yours and then ask, “what pronouns do you use”?

Protective Factor – Something that decreases the chances of a person developing a condition and / or balances out an existing risk factor. Examples of protective factors can include aspects of a person’s health, lifestyle, or living environment (including the presence of supporting family or community). The actual effect of protective factors is not easy to predict or to measure.

Psychiatrist – A licensed medical doctor (MD) who has also completed years of additional training in psychiatric medicine. Psychiatrists are authorized to provide therapy, diagnose mental health conditions, and prescribe and manage medication.

Psychiatry – The medical specialty focused on understanding, diagnosing and treating mental disorders.

Psychologist – A PhD-level specialist in psychology who is either licensed to provide psychotherapy, educational testing and / or assessment; is qualified to teach psychology or conduct scientific or academic research in a sub-field of psychology; or who offers professional consulting services. Psychologists work in various areas including private or group psychotherapy practices, laboratories, schools, social agencies, hospitals, clinics, the government / military, prisons, and businesses / corporations.

Psychology – The study of mind and behavior. The subject matter of psychology includes the behavior of humans and nonhumans, both conscious and unconscious phenomena, and mental functions and processes such as thoughts, feelings, and motives.

Psychomotor – A term that relates to muscular action (physical activity) based directly on conscious mental activity. It is the mental process of controlling muscles through brain signals and motor nerve pathways. Psychomotor skills trigger voluntary muscle movements; they’re what helps put a person’s motion into action. Psychomotor skills involve movement, coordination, dexterity, strength, flexibility and speed. Psychomotor ability is the potential of an individual to acquire psychomotor skills with practice.

Psychosis – A mental state in which a person has lost the ability to recognize reality / reality is experienced in a different way than with other people. Psychosis is characterized by disruptions in perception, emotions, cognition and cognitive processing. An individual with psychosis may experience changes in thinking patterns, delusions, hallucinations, changes in mood, or difficulty completing everyday tasks (like bathing or shopping). Some psychoses can be effectively treated with medications and therapy.

Psychotherapy – A type of psychological therapy in which a professionally trained and licensed mental health professional uses different forms of person-to-person communication and interaction to assess, diagnose and treat a person’s emotional, behavioral, personality, and other mental health issues. Psychotherapy can be used with individuals, couples / relationship partners, and families, and can also be effective on a group level. Types of psychotherapy include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and many others. The best psychotherapies are evidence based (supported by many good research studies) but many non-evidence based (not supported by many good research studies) therapies also exist. It’s important for patients to be aware of / ask their therapist about the evidence supporting the psychotherapy approach they are being treated with.

Psychotherapy Groups – See Group Therapy

Mental Health Glossary "Q" Terms

QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Professional) – A Master’s level mental health professional who has completed a defined number of clinical hours and is licensed to provide counseling and therapy.

Mental Health Glossary "R" Terms

Recovery – A process of change through which a person improves their health and wellness, lives a self-directed life, and strives to reach their full potential. In a mental health context, it describes when a person with a mental disorder is doing as well as they can functioning in their day to day lives while maintaining the symptoms of their illness.

Relapse – When a person with a mental disorder who has been in remission or recovery gets sick again.

Remission – When a person’s symptoms decrease and they return to their usual state after having an active phase of a disorder.

Research – The in-depth study of a topic to find the answer to a question (e.g. in a mental health context, a study on the best treatment for depression). The types of research approaches include observational, analytical, experimental, theoretical and applied. Not all research is created equal; the design type called a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) is the gold standard for objectively determining what treatments work best.

Risk Factor – Something that increases the chances of a person developing a condition and / or balances out an existing protective factor. Examples of risk factors can include aspects of a person’s health, genetics, lifestyle, or living environment. While risk factors increase a person’s chances of getting a disorder, they do not cause the disorder. Risk factors can be weak or strong, but their actual effect is not easy to measure or predict.

Mental Health Glossary "S" Terms

Safety Plan – Safety plans are prioritized written lists of ways to stay safe (detailing coping strategies and sources of support) that clients create with the support of their therapist to reduce safety risks such as suicide, harm to others, and/or risky substance use. Safety plans are brief, easy to read, use the patient’s own words and are designed to reduce the risk of future harm. Then, before or during a subsequent crisis, a person refers to the strategies in their safety plan to help them navigate dangerous situations in the safest way possible.Self-as-Content – The social scripts people maintain about who they are and how they operate in the world. When one is stuck in viewing their thoughts, emotions, in this way – it can lead to shame and/or guilt

Self-as-Context – The concept that people are not the content of their thoughts or feelings, but rather are the consciousness experiencing or observing those thoughts or feelings.

Self-Care – The practice of someone taking an active role in protecting, preserving or improving their own well-being, health and happiness especially during periods of stress.

Self-Stigma – Negative attitudes and shame that a person holds regarding their own mental health, resulting from internalizing public stigma.

Self-Harm – Any injury that a person inflicts on themselves, without the intent to die. Examples of self-harming behaviors include cutting or burning following an emotionally upsetting event.

Serotonin – A compound in blood platelets and serum that constricts blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter, helping to regulate different brain functions including mood, anxiety and thinking.

Sessions – Regularly scheduled, face-to-face or virtual interactions between a client and their psychotherapist for the purpose of therapeutic treatment. Sessions are conducted between a therapist and their individual clients, their relationship clients (couples / partners), with clients & their families, or in group therapy settings.

Sex – The anatomical, physical / physiological and genetic attributes that define if a person is male, female, or intersex. These attributes include both primary and secondary sex characteristics such as genitalia, gonads, hormone levels and receptors, chromosomes, and genes. Sex is often misapplied or interchanged with gender; although there is some overlap, gender is more social than biological.

Sex Assigned at Birth (or Assigned Sex at Birth) – The sex assignment (male, female, intersex) given to a child at birth, usually based on the child’s external anatomy.

Sexual Behavior – The choices a person makes in acting on their sexual orientation; engaging in sexual activity.

Sex-Positive – Having and promoting an open, affirming and progressive attitude toward sex and sexuality. Sex positivity is the idea that people should have the space to explore, learn about and embody their own sexuality and gender identity without shame or judgment.

Skill Development – The process of acquiring, improving, and enhancing a wide range of skills and competencies; the deliberate and continuous effort a person puts forth to build knowledge, expertise, and capabilities for the purpose of pursuing personal and professional growth.

Sliding Scale – A payment model providers can use to make treatment financially accessible for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it due to income or lack of health insurance coverage.

Social – The ability to interact with other people in ways that are appropriate to the situation and commonly accepted within the culture of the group or society.

Social Determinants of Health – The conditions in which people live, work, learn and play that can impact their health and quality of life. Examples include income, education, social inclusion, non-discrimination, access to affordable healthcare, housing, food security, employment status, etc.

Social Work – Work that is done by a trained social work professional to help individuals, families and other client groups manage challenges within the context of their community & support network. Social workers address issues that arise from mental or physical disorders and / or from social determinants of health.

Social Worker – A healthcare professional trained in helping vulnerable people and communities work through challenges they face in everyday life. Social workers practice in a wide variety of settings including schools, hospitals, mental health centers / clinics, senior centers, private practice, prisons, military / government, private businesses, etc. Social workers are committed to advocating for and improving the lives of individuals, families, groups and societies.

Somatic – Describes the physical body, refers to something occurring in, relating to, or describing the body (rather than the mind or spirit). Examples of somatic sensations include sore muscles, fatigue, and headache.

Stigma – A set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about a particular circumstance, quality, or person. In a mental health context, it refers to attaching negative qualities to mental disorders (for example, thinking people with a mental disorder are dangerous or that seeking treatment / taking medications for a mental disorder is weak or due to deficiencies in the individual). Stigma is a strong force. It can cause discrimination and exclusion of individuals with mental illnesses, and is harmful in that it may keep people from speaking about their disorder, engaging in their everyday lives, getting help, or receiving treatment without judgment.

Stimulant – A class of drugs that speed up messages travelling between the brain and body, raising levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body and making a person feel more awake, alert, confident or energetic. Stimulants also increase speech and motor activity, and decrease appetite. Prescribed stimulants are most commonly used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) Examples of stimulants include amphetamines (Adderall and Dexedrine), methylphenidates (Concerta and Ritalin), weight loss medications (Didrex, Bontril, Preludin, Fastin, Adipex P, Ionamin, and Meridia), illicit drugs (e.g. methamphetamine and cocaine), plus nicotine and caffeine. Large doses / overdosing can cause anxiety, panic, seizures, headaches, stomach cramps, aggression, and paranoia.

Strengths – Characteristics, personality traits, resilience, social connections, concrete support, ways of regulating emotions in difficult situations, and other areas/behaviors that assist a person in navigating life’s stressors. See Protective Factors.

Stress – In a mental health context, stress is a mental state characterized by emotional strain in response to adverse internal or external circumstances or to feelings of emotional pressure. A person’s stress level develops in response to a real or imagined threat, as the person determines whether or not they have the skills or resources to cope with it. Stress is not a mental disorder, it is necessary aspect of learning how to adapt to life’s challenges. Stress affects almost every system of the body and influences feelings and behaviors. Too much stress can lead to a variety of mental and physical health issues, causing associated disorders / diseases and reducing the quality of life. Symptoms of stress include palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, shortness of breath, fidgeting, accelerated speech, intensification of negative emotions, more significant stress fatigue.

Substance Abuse – Is an unprescribed and unhealthy pattern of drug, alcohol or other chemical use to the point where it negatively impacts relationships, education, work, and causes mental and / or physical health problems.

Substance Dependence – Also known as “addiction”, substance dependence is when a person is unable to quit using a given drug, alcohol or other chemical. A person with a substance dependency craves the substance and engages in behavior designed to access and use the substance – even if that behavior and the substance itself is harmful to them. Those with substance dependence may develop tolerance to the substance’s effects and experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it.

Substance Withdrawal – A syndrome that develops after abruptly stopping the prolonged and heavy use of a drug, alcohol or substance. Withdrawal is characterized by physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms including tremors, sweating, irritability / agitation, muscle pain, fatigue, hunger or loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, insomnia and mood swings. Substances commonly associated with withdrawal include alcohol, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, THC (from cannabis), cocaine, opioids, and sedatives. The withdrawal process can take anywhere from a few days to several years, depending on the situation and the substance. Medically-supervised detox is typically the first step in recovery.

Substitute Decision-Maker – A person who is given the authority to make care or treatment decisions on behalf of a patient who is involuntarily hospitalized. Typically, a substitute decision-maker is either a close family member or friend of the patient and ideally is chosen by the patient.

Suicidal Ideation – A preoccupation with thinking about or considering suicide; the thoughts, images or fantasies a person has regarding harming or dying by suicide. Suicidal ideation is typically a symptom of a major depressive episode. While most individuals who experience suicidal ideations do not attempt suicide, it is something that requires treatment and should not be ignored or taken lightly.

Suicidal Intent – A person’s clear plan and desire to complete suicide; their commitment and expectation to take their own life.

Suicidal Plan – The mental plan that someone with suicidal intent creates to attempt to end their life.

Suicide – A leading cause of death in the U.S. It is a death that caused by injuring oneself with the intent to kill oneself in the midst of a psychiatric crisis that may or may not involve substance use.

Suicide Attempt – An act a person with the intent to end their life takes, but which does not cause death. Risk factors for a suicide attempt include hopelessness, heightened impulsivity, problem-solving deficits, perfectionism, family history of suicide, childhood trauma, and certain mental disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, substance use disorder, and psychotic disorders. One of the most commonly identified protective factors of a suicide attempt is a supportive family and social network.

Supported Decision Making – Is the process of a vulnerable person’s support network providing them with advice, support, and assistance so they can make and communicate their own decisions.

Symptom – Is a physical or mental feature that indicates the potential existence of a concern, condition, disease or diagnosis. A symptom is an occurrence of any type that’s experienced by a person, and that differs from their normal set of behaviors, sensations, emotions or cognition.

Syndrome – Is a collection of signs (things a person can observe about another person) and symptoms (what the affected person experiences) which describes a disease.

Mental Health Glossary "T" Terms

Telehealth (Virtual) Therapy – Is mental health therapy / scheduled sessions delivered via telecommunication tools such as computers and telephones; it is also known as online therapy or teletherapy. Online access can make it more convenient for clients to attend sessions (provided that they have access to a computer, an internet connection, and a safe and private space for sessions). Telehealth can also make therapy possible for those struggling with chronic illness, pain or significant mental health issues that can make coming to an office location difficult or ill-advised. Among the disadvantages of telehealth are that therapists may not pick up on body language cues which aren’t visible on camera or via a phone line, and that telehealth can feel more distant and hinder connections between a therapist and their client.

Theoretical Framework– A set of concepts, theories, ideas, and assumptions that help one to better understand a problem or issue. For mental health providers, it can be likened to a blueprint that helps guide their approach to assisting others in finding a best path forward.

Therapeutic Intervention – Therapeutic intervention can take several forms and applies in a variety of settings. In the context of psychology, the term refers to actions or practices that improve the psychological, social or emotional wellbeing of another person.

Therapeutic Philosophy – Also called “Therapeutic Approach.” A combination of a mental health provider’s theoretical framework, interventions used, and the style they deliver therapy, cultivated by research, training, experiences, and supervision. Simply put – it is the therapist’s understanding of how to best assist in the healing process.

Therapist – In a mental health context, a therapist is a trained mental health professional who practices and is skilled in particular types of therapy to help their client(s) (individuals, couples / partners, families, groups) understand and cope with their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A therapist may assess, treat and / or diagnose mental health conditions. A mental health therapist may sometimes also be referred to as a psychotherapist.

Therapy – The treatment of physical disease or mental health disorder by a particular established method.

Tolerance – In physical or behavioral health, it is when a person becomes less responsive to a specific dose of a medication, treatment or chemical compound (including alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or illicit drugs) over time due to persistent use. Those experiencing tolerance may need to increase their intake of a specific substance to achieve the original effect. Tolerance usually indicates a physical dependence on the substance.In mental health, the term may be used to describe one’s ability to manage their internal experiences in difficult situations or maintain their level of functioning in spite of being confronted with situations/internal experiences that are often met with discomfort.

Trauma – An emotional response to a disturbing, scary, or shocking injury, event or experience that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope and harms their physical or mental health. Some Examples of traumatic events can include war, an industrial accident, a physical assault, an extreme natural disaster, etc. The traumatic event can make the world feel less safe to the person who experienced it. Their symptoms can include feelings of significant fear, helplessness, dissociation, confusion, and other intense emotions. These feelings can create a long-lasting effect on the person’s attitudes, behaviors, and ability to function in their everyday life.

Treatment – Psychological, social, medical, or surgical management and care of a patient. Treatment can include therapy, drugs (medication), or surgery.

Treatment Goal – In a mental health context, treatment goals are just about anything that you want to achieve through therapy that a therapist can help you with. Examples of client treatment goals can include (1) a couple wanting to develop healthy communication skills, (2) a person engging in self-harm wanting to learn how to address the underlying issues contributing to the behavior, and (3) a person with agoraphobia (who doesn’t feel safe outside of their home) wanting to work towards leaving the house and visiting a friend in a nearby town. Treatment goals can evolve over time. Many therapists use the “SMART” goal model, creating therapy goals that are Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-limited with their clients.

Treatment Plan – a treatment plan serves as a road map to guide a therapist in choosing what to discuss and what activities to complete during their sessions with the client. A mental health treatment plan consists of goals and objectives. The goal is the overall desired outcome the client wants to achieve (for example, ”I want to feel less depressed”, and objectives are the specific activities and markers along the way to the goal.

Trigger – An internal (memory, or sensory related) or external experience (person, place, object, or situation) that affects a person’s emotional state by causing them extreme distress or a feeling of being overwhelmed. An example of a trigger is a memory from the past that brings up uncomfortable or distressing feelings in the present moment.

Mental Health Glossary "V" Terms

Values – The set of behavioral standards and needs that work to support people’s purpose and vision; what a person holds to be important to them. Values are often a guide in people’s decision making processes. In a professional psychotherapy context, examples of values include respect, independence, connection with others, trust, etc..

Violence – Is the emotional, sexual and / or physical abuse towards someone or a group of people, usually in an effort to gain control or increase power over them.

Voluntary Admission (also known as Hospitalization) – The process of being voluntarily admitted as a patient to a hospital’s psychiatric unit for treatment or to a dedicated mental health facility at the person’s own request / with their agreement. In most cases, this hospitalization can end whenever the patient believes they are ready to leave or upon recommended discharge of health providers.

Mental Health Glossary "W" Terms

Withdrawal – The term can relate to the brain’s physiological response to a sudden stop in the use of a prescribed medication, or a recreational drug with dependence / addictive properties (such as alcohol, or opioids like morphine, heroin or oxycodone). Symptoms physical withdrawal can include nausea, chills, cramps, diarrhea, hallucinations, etc. The term can also refer to a person’s self-directed avoidance of social contact (which can occur with disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, panic disorder, etc.).

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